A New Chapter Unfolds: Revitalized Baha’i Youth Gathering in Lilongwe, Malawi

After a year of hiatus, the Baha’i Youth Gathering reconvened on 18th August 2024 with great enthusiasm and renewed spirit. This monthly gathering, a cornerstone of our community’s youth activities, brought together nineteen young individuals for a day of devotion, deepening, and fellowship.


1. Devotions and Deepening

The gathering commenced with devotions comprising of quotations and holy writings centered on Unity, setting a reverent tone for the day. Participants then delved into a deepening theme, studying the Ridvan Message 2024 from Universal House of Justice to the Baha’i’s of the world. The study of the message took two hours of intense discussion and assimilation of information. It was interesting to see youth enthusiastically participate in the study of the message that was once thought to be for the adults only. Glory be to Baha’u’llah; it was a sight to behold.


Fig 2. Youth Studying Ridvan Message 2024

The highlight of the gathering was the presence of our special guest, Dr. Amgad Squires, who led an insightful discussion on the Ridvan 2024 message specifically on the role of the youth in this Nine Year series of plans. This poignant exploration inspired the youth to reflect on their role in the unfoldment of the Nine Year plan and to start taking active and deliberate steps towards achieving its goals.

Notably, our gathering coincided with the United Nation’s International Youth Day (August 12th), which aims to celebrate the potential of the youth to drive positive change. This synchronicity underscores the vital role of young people in advancing society, as emphasized in the Baha’i teachings. By rejuvenating our monthly youth gatherings, we aim to empower our youth to become active contributors to the betterment of their communities.


2. Social Activity and Fellowship

The day concluded with refreshments, group photos, warm conversations among the youth, interactions and rekindling connections while fostering a sense of belonging among the participants.


Fig 3. Youth Socialising


Fig 4. Youth creating memories


 3. A Call to Action

We warmly invite the Lilongwe Baha’i community to encourage their youth to join us for our next gathering, taking place on the 29th September 2024. We will be studying the theme of Coherence, which is a very important aspect in the life of a Baha’i youth. We will explore and understand the theme of Coherence and will also learn about music production as our social activity from a fellow youth, Mr. Austin Rabson, who is currently serving in Mtandire Neighbourhood and is also a Music Artist and Producer.

This is an excellent opportunity for young individuals to connect with like-minded peers, deepen their understanding of the Faith, develop meaningful relationships and also learn about music production.

The successful revival of the Baha’i youth gathering marks a significant milestone in our community’s journey. We look forward to continued growth, unity, and spiritual nourishment among our youth. Together, let us support and empower this growing generation of Baha’is to become beacons of unity, light and hope in the world.



All must surge, but the Youth must soar!!




Tadala Banda, Lilongwe Youth Committee



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